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IN PROCESS - Back to top

Multi Ethnic Playgrounds -2006KOS-O-2

Educational Institute 2006KOS-E-1

Project Hygiene - 2006KOS-O-2

Project Kosovo "Airlift" 2006 - 2006KOS-H-1


Gjilan School of Music – 2006KOS-E-2


Gjilan School of Music – 2006KOS-E-2


Brochure to Download

I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music.  It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain.  Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.  George Eliot (1819 - 1880)

Nothing in this world unites people like music.  Whatever differences there may be quickly fad away at the first note.  The Gjilan School of Music needs your help to continue bringing the people of Kosovo closer together.



Established in 1979 and part of the municipal school system, the School of Music is the pride Gjilan.  70% of the students accepted into the School of Music at the University of Pristina come from Gjilan.  Professor Izet Kallaba, the school’s director, oversees 37 instructors who make as little as 170-190 € a month.  Teachers provide lessons on piano, accordion, violin, viola, cello, bass, guitar, clarinet, flute, French horn, and trumpet to approximately 425 primary and high school students annually.  To see the size of the building and how small practice rooms are, it is hard to comprehend the amount of coordination there must be to teach so many students on all the different instruments.     

The building is in total disrepair and has no indoor plumbing.  The school lacks a generator which is needed because of intermittent power.  The school has no sound system, recording equipment, up to date computer equipment, and only limited furniture.  The school only has 3 music stands of its own.  Despite this the music plays on.


Building dates back to 1890s                                                   School of Music Bathrooms


However, without your help it may not.  The school is in desperate need of musical instruments.  Most families struggle to put enough food on the table and can ill afford to purchase an instrument for their son or daughter.  Any instrument, new, used, or even slightly damaged will be graciously accepted.  Director Kallaba has the ability to instruct on other instruments than those listed above if available. 



The school stays open all summer for practice                Professor Kallaba with one of the few stands


In addition to instruments, the school is in serious need of sheet music.  The school is open to any donations and/or assistance you can provide to continue the peace process in Kosovo with the encouragement of music.  Please send all donations to the point of contact below.  When sending instruments, please consider the journey they will make through the mail system when packing.  A donation presentation is planned for early December at the school, please take into account this and the fact that mail can take up to 3 weeks for delivery when sending out donations.    

Please send donations to: 

Sergeant First Class John David Craemer

353rd Civil Affairs Command Detachment

Camp Monteith

APO AE 09340

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or are interested in exploring other donations and/or assistance, please contact SFC Craemer at john.craemer@us.army.mil  On behalf of Professor Kallaba, the music school teachers and students, and all of the people of Kosovo; thank you!


Project Kosovo "Airlift" 2006 - 2006KOS-H-1


Dates:          Shooting for mid July 2006


Scope:          To find military or civilian aircraft available that will fly a plane load of supplies to Kosovo on behalf of PTP, Inc.  Items to be included in the shipment:

                                    School supplies
                                    Learning aids/materials
                                    Playground equipment
                                    Hygiene items

Dr. Anderson is stockpiling everything above except the playground equipment and clothing at a warehouse in via his Non Profit.  The entire warehouse is designated for this Kosovo shipment.


Progress to Date:      


Leta has contacted several sources to begin the process of securing an aircraft.  SFC Bumann has supplied Leta with links to a civilian organization that does this.  That link is: www.dentonfunded.com.  COL Iadimarco is also assisting in attempts to find sources for the proposed airlift.  Additionally Leta is working on a back up plan to ship the items via ocean cargo containers.  KFOR had a project last year that required the shipment of a container of wheelchairs.  They were shipped via container through a port in Greece then trucked via Macedonia to Kosovo.  There were a few "hiccups" with this method of transportation.


Updates:                Will be posted as the project progresses


Project Hygiene - 2006KOS-O-2

Dates:       On-going

Scope:      Civil Affairs/KFOR has begun conducting basic dental health/hygiene clinics throughout their sector in Kosovo.  I was asked if PTP could

                provide additional tooth brushes and tooth paste for these on-going clinics.  Dr. Anderson's group has agreed to assist with this. 

                Beginning Monday, 24 April, they will send 2-6 boxes per week to various Civil Affairs Soldiers.  Each box contains 20 packets.  Each

                packet contains a towel, large tooth paste, 2 tooth brushes, a large bar of soap and a hair comb.  Dr. Anderson's organization is

                donating the packets.  PTP, Inc. is paying for the shipping.  In July 2006 the remainder of these packets will be on the shipment we are

                hoping to airlift to Kosovo.

Multi Ethnic Playgrounds - 2006KOS-O-2

Scope - To secure 12 - 15 large playground set kits to be constructed in key mixed Albanian/Serbian/Ashkali communities to encourage children to play together

Timing - Expectation is to secure and ship the playground sets by July 2006

Updates will be posted monthly

13 June 2006 - We are still in a fund raising mode for this project. Each playground set costs $3225.00 USD which includes the materials, delivery and setup. Sponsors for each set will be recognized by a sign at the playground. You do not have to sponsor an entire set.

Educational Institute 2006KOS-E-1

Scope: To work with 125 Elementary & Secondary school teachers and
administrators to assess physical and educational tools and resources, teaching methods and measurements.

Facilitator - Dr. Robert Anderson of Delta Resource Center

Timing - Initial workshops and seminar scheduled for July 26 through August 1, 2006

Updates to be posted monthly

13 June 2006 - Plans are moving forward for this institute. The site has been secured. INPO and KFOR found a wedding hall that will hold the group as well as provide a lunch and soft drinks all day. The price per person per day is 10 Euros. By finding this site we were able to eliminate several hurdles. The site has a generator so electricity will not be a problem. The site is air conditioned. In the summer it is not uncommon for the temperatures to reach over 100 degrees. Securing a site with air conditioning will make the environment much more conducive for the participants. Additionally, by finding this site the necessity for securing Port A Potties was eliminated. Another big plus!

The materials have been sent to Kosovo for translation. The translation has been completed and the manuals are being printed and bound. They will be delivered to the participants for review prior to the institute. A huge thanks to Danny and Dada for spending days on the translation and to KFOR for their assistance, too.

We are still in a fund raising mode for this institute. Funds are being funneled through Dr. Anderson's organization for this project and are tax deductible. Please email Lcarruth@progressthroughpeace.org if you wish to make a donation. Our budget is $27,850.00 USD.

ON GOING - Back to top

Develop a network of volunteers and professional resources to provide the best possible assistance

Partner international organizations with local school systems to provide and enhance educational tools and resources

Work to partner cities in Kosovo with Sister Cities in the USA and around the world

Facilitate relationships between local women’s groups and international organizations

Work with Kosovo NGOs to provide support and resources for their civic and gate-keeping projects



COMPLETED  - Back to top

Kllokot, Kosovo Sewer Repair - 2005KOS-O-1


This project has been completed successfully!

On my recent trip to Kosovo I journeyed to Kllokot for a couple of reasons.  One was to check on the sewer project in and around the elementary school.  As we approached the site two things immediately grabbed my attention.  The school yard and playground were dry and clean of sewage!!!  I had expected to see the sewage gone because I had been informed that the project was completed.  However due to all of the rain in the region I expected to see standing water in the school yard.  There was none.  I was absolutely thrilled at the results of the project.  Obviously the work was done correctly.  The second item that grabbed my attention was the amount of huge concrete drainage pipe laying about.  When I inquired about the pipe that was laying about I was told that the original estimate for the amount of pipe needed had been overstated.  After much discussion it has been decided that the pipe will be donated to the community for use in another area that is experiencing drainage/sewage problems.  PTP, Inc., however, will not provide any additional funding for that project.  The pipe was donated for two reasons: 1) The monies received by returning the pipe would have been negated by the costs of transportation for the return and 2) donating the pipe is good PR for both PTP, Inc. and KFOR.

We entered the school to say hello and to discuss another project we are facilitating.  The students were excited to see us and gave huge smiles and hellos.  I was very happy to notice that all of the children I saw were devoid of the awful skin diseases they had experienced as a result of the sewage problem. 

A HUGE thank you to all of those who donated money towards the repair of the sewage problem as well as to the KFOR Soldiers who spent DAYS and frustrating HOURS working through so many hurdles and the inclement weather in order to make this a successful project.

Video of Kosovo Sewer Project


Kllokot, Kosovo Sewer Repair - 2005KOS-O-1

PTP, Inc. decided to provide the funds for this project because of the adverse affect towards the students of the elementary school due to the contamination.  The children were all suffering from impetigo and other skin diseases caused by the village sewage running down hill and “dumping” in and around the school yard.  Through other sources the children have been treated and cured of their skin diseases.  Many of the children have lifetime scarring from the severity of the diseases.  In order to keep the infections from recurring in the spring when the snow and ice melt it was imperative to repair the sewer drainage system immediately.

PTP, Inc. provided the funds for the materials and for the local labor.  The US Army Engineers deployed to Kosovo with the Multinational Peace Keeping Force were able to provide the major construction as part of their mission there.  They are not, however, allowed to pay for materials.  So, in partnership with them, we are able to resolve this disgusting situation for a fraction of the cost it would otherwise cost and that the village did not have.

You can read in the Travel Journal section of this web site for more information about the unsanitary situation in and around the elementary school.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 06 April 2006 1300 hours

Event: Sewage Project

Description: Team accompanied Ms. Carruth as she proceeded to the completed project site.  Ms. Carruth was satisfied with the completed project and took the opportunity to engage with locals involved with the project.   PTP was the financier for the Klokot/Kllokot sewage project.

It was also decided that the excess pipe would be donated to the Municipality of Vitina/Viti as a means of compelling them to properly adjust the ‘TMK Pipe’, that runs parallel to the school yard.

Ms. Carruth also met with the staff and students of the primary school.  She engaged the kindergarten teacher, the director of the school, Mr. Kojić and the furniture provider, a K- Albanian.  This meeting with to inform the pertanent parties of community and to discuss the price, necessary dimensions, and means of delivery of such furniture.

Observations:  CATA-2 will follow through with the purchase and delivery of such furniture on behalf of PTP.

The community was very well pleased with the completed sewage project.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 01 April 2006 1000 hours

Event: Sewage Project Completion

Description: CATA-1 OIC, CATA-2 and TFF Engineer were on site to supervise the sewage project.  The second round of gravel was delivered by TF Hellas. The gravel was spread by the contractor. The project is complete.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot (EM 308 908)

Date/Time: 31 March 2006 0900 – 1600 hours

Event: Sewage Project

Description: Team and TFF Engineer were on site to supervise ongoing work.  Today’s progress included local labor installing a metal grate at the beginning of the pipe, the proper connections of the pipes and the two catch basins, the closure of the gap between the street and the project, and the redirection of the water into the pipe. 

CATA – 1 OIC facilitated the transfer of the first shipment of gravel. TF Hellas was responsible for the movement of such gravel.  The Civil Affairs Commander was also on site to check on the progress of the project.

Observations: Work is progressing steadily and should be finished tomorrow.  All that is left to complete is to smooth over the area and to lay the next shipment of gravel over the area.








TF Hellas Dumping Gravel                                             Grate installed by locals over the mouth of the pipe







Local labor ‘Sand Bagging’.                                                      Redirecting the flow of water into the pipe.         


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 30 March 2006 1430 hours

Event: Sewage Project Observations

Description: Team went to the site of the project to observe water levels or other changes.

Observations: No changes to the work site were observed. Team was accompanied by an NCO from the J-3 of SOCEUR, who is on a mission to visit SOC troops.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 22 March 2006 1500 hours

Event: Project Survey

Description: Team, TFF Engineer, a representative from the Vitina/Viti Municipality Engineers, and the deputy village representative surveyed the project.  Issues were discussed about the delay in the project, work underneath drive ways, and connecting the catch basins with the pipes.

Observations:  It was the opinion of deputy village representative that the Municipality really has nothing of substance to bring to the table but headaches and demands.  He wishes Phase I would start next week, as was the scheduled date, and then delay the others later.  His opinion, as is CATA-2’s, is that the incomplete ditch in Phase I is just an eye sore which stirs up sour feelings among the community.  He is right in his assessment that II and III are the problems of the Municipality because they are the ones who laid the pipe there (the TMK Pipe behind the primary school); he also stated that we (meaning Civil Affairs and the TFF Engineer) should just address our own issues (meaning Phase I).

Location: Vitina/Viti

Date/Time: 22 March 2006 1300 hours

Event: Sewage Project Coordination

Description: CATA-2 and TFF Engineer met with Engineers from the Municipality and Milord Kojić, Senior Officer for Development, Projects, and Finance (Vitina/Viti Municipal Community Office on Minorities).  Team and TFF Engineer secured the participation of the Municipality Engineers to survey the portions of phase two and three. 

The Vitina/Viti engineers will do a total survey of the village over the next two weeks.  This is to determine what the proper points for directing the water should be and to determine whose property the plan will run through. 

Civil Affairs agreed to postpone Phase I as the engineers will survey and estimate for materials, slope, labor, and costs of Phases II and III.  At the completion of the survey they will come up with a project proposal that could be submitted to the Municipality and donors for possible funding.

Mr. Kojić will address the concerns of the locals through the village leadership.


Location: Route Hawk

Date/Time: 22 March 2006 1000-1230 hours

Event: Sewage Project Materials

Description: Team and TFF Engineer traveled up Route Hawk to speak with numerous contractors to find ‘reducers’ for a portion of the Sewage Project.

 Team had tried three different concrete companies along Route Hawk and was told that a ‘50 CM to 40 CM’ reducer is a rare mold to come by.   Team ended up with a PVC supplier in Ferizaj/Uroševac called ‘Perplast’; they provided CA and the TFF Engineer a sample product that will be used to test the portion of pipe in Klokot/Kllokot.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 20 March 2006 1330 Hours

Event: Meeting with deputy Village Representative

Description: Team spoke with the deputy Village Representative to brief him on the sewage project and Civil Affairs’ meeting with the KPS Vitina/Viti Chief of Operations.  Team informed the deputy Village Representative that work will begin again next Wednesday (pending weather).  Team also communicated the suggestions of the KPS; to file a civil suit, when it comes to their claims of fraud.

Observations: Because of the economic situation in the village team will try to ascertain some sort of ‘pro bono’ work.  Civil Affairs’ intentions were not communicated to the villagers.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 20 March 2006 1300 hours

Event: Sewage Project Coordination

Description: Team met with TF Alamo Commander and TFF Engineer to discuss ongoing sewage project. Civil Affairs and TFF Engineer’s briefed the TF Alamo Commander the details of the project and smoothed over outstanding issues.  TF Alamo Commander pledged his support for the ongoing project and will assist by working with Civil Affairs and TFF Engineer to secure the Municipality’s further involvement. 


Location: Gnjilane/Gjilan

Date/Time: 18 March 2006 1300 hours

Event:  Sewage Project Material Meeting

Description: Team met with the head of Gzimi Commerce to discus further material support of the Klokot/Kllokot Sewage Project. Team is looking to secure ‘reducers’ for a portion of the project.  Gzimi Commerce did not have the materials necessary to complete the project.

Observations:  Team first checked with Gzimi Commerce because they provided the pipe for the project and Team was comfortable with doing business with them.  Team also checked with another contractor on RT. Rat, but they did not have the materials either.


Location: Vrbovac/Vërboc

Date/Time: 17 March 2006 1400 hours

Event: Sewage Project Meeting

Description: Team met Milord Kojić, Senior Officer for Development, Projects, and Finance (Vitina/Viti Municipal Community Office on Minorities). This meeting was to coordinate for a meeting between the Vitina/Viti Engineers and to discuss the ongoing sewage project.  Team hopes to secure the municipalities support for the second and third phases of the Klokot/Kllokot sewage project.

Mr. Kojić has been in contact with the Vitina/Viti Municipality and they will have an active role in the project.  A meeting between US KFOR Civil Affairs, TFF Engineer, Mr. Kojić, and the Vitina/Viti Municipal Engineers has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday 22 March.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 15 March 2006 1400 hours

Event: Sewage Project Meeting

Description: Team engaged local leadership about the delay in the project.  All parties involved understand that inclement weather has set this project back some time but looks forward to successful completion as soon as the weather permits.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 18 February 2006 1100 hours

Event: Sewage Assessment

Description: Team assessed sewage pipeline to determine the possibility of beginning work again next week. It was determined work can not begin without TTF Engineer who is back in CONUS on leave.  Team will wait till the return of TFF Engineer to evaluate progress.

Observations:  Some locals of the village believe the pipe will not hold the ‘flooding waters’ that occur when the snow melts.  Team will bring this to the Engineer’s attention upon his return.


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 15 February 2006 1800 hours

Event: Town Hall Meeting

Description: Team will attend a town hall meeting in Klokot/Kllokot to address community issues.  These include the water pump and the sewage project.  


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 10 February 2006 1300 hours

Event: Sewage Project Meeting

Description:  Team engaged local village leader Trajan Trajković, local contractors, and TFF Engineer to smooth over any issues.  There were no issues of a serious nature discussed and this meeting was more of a social gathering.  The main focus of the meeting was to maintain personal contacts and to make sure none of the parties get the impression that this cooperation will fall through.  The contractor stated that he has this and many other projects on hold due to the inclement weather. 

The contactor stated that he would not be able to do the work that would connect the catch basins with the rest of the pipe.  Civil Affairs now must search for another contractor to complete that portion of phase one. Work is on hold until weather improves and ground thaws.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 06 February 2006 1000 hours

Event: Sewage Project

Description: Team observed work site and showed presence to community.  This event was also to reassure locals about the team’s hopes of resuming work on the project soon, pending a break in weather.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 01 February 2006 1000 hours

Event: Coordination Meeting

Description: Meeting between parties (Civil Affairs, TFF Engineer, local contractor, deputy village representative, LMT, ect.) to discuss coordination and completion of Klokot/Kllokot sewage project.

TFF Engineer briefed parties on plans to complete phase one.  All parties agreed to the plan and then proceeded to the worksite.  At the site parties examined the work and made assessments of the ground conditions.  It was determined that there would be another meeting Friday and pending weather, work could begin again Monday.

Observations:  Community is anxious to begin work again, as the project interferes with traffic movement down the road. The deputy village representative indicated that his community is excited about working on this again and hope to see its completion soon.


NEXT 48 HOURS: Wednesday, 01 February 2006

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 01 February 2006 1000 hours

Event: Coordination Meeting

Description: Meeting between parties (Civil Affairs, TFF Engineer, local contractor, deputy village representative, ect.) to discuss coordination and completion of Klokot/Kllokot sewage project.

Location: Camp Bondsteel

Date/Time: 30 January 1630

Event: Meeting with TTF Engineer

Description: Team met with TFF Engineer to get an update on their progress in completing the drawings for the Klokot/Kllokot Sewage Project. Engineers informed team that the drawings are complete and that work could again begin.  Team will coordinate a meeting with Engineer, local contractor, and representative from the village this Wednesday, in the hope of beginning work again this week.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 30 January 2006 1500

Event: Work Site Assessment

Description: Team quickly assessed the work site in Klokot/Kllokot.  The weather has broken and the ice that surrounded the pipe has thawed out and water is again flowing.  It is the team’s assessment that, barring flooding from the thawing of the snow and nice, work can being again immediately

Location: Vrbovac/Vërboc

Date/Time: 30 January 2006 1350 hours

Event: Meeting with village representative of Klokot/Kllokot, Trajan Trajković.

Description: Mr. Trajković is also a teacher at the technical high school for mechanical engineering.  Team engaged him to inform him on the latest updates on the sewage project. Message was conveyed that work will indeed begin again soon.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 28 January 2006 1000

Event: Pipe Assessment with TFF Engineer

Description: Team accompanied TFF Engineer to the work site to survey the pipe.  Team hopes to attain work plans from TFF Engineer early next week to begin work. Teams interacted with community and again met with the town’s deputy village representative.  The representative expressed his community’s desires to being work again quickly.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot (EM 3083 9082)

Date/Time: 25 January 2006 1045 hours

Event: Project Status Update

Description: Team meet with village youth representative to convey information on the status of the presently stalled sewage project.  Team wished to present a message that even though the project was stalled, US KFOR has the intention to see it start again soon.  CA also wished to express the continuing support for the village and that their needs have not been forgotten.

Observations:  The youth representative is the best way to disseminate information to the town. Townsfolk have been tremendously supportive of our presence in Klokot/Kllokot and continue to express there gratitude.


Location: Klokot/ Kllokot

Date/Time:  21 January 2006 , 1000 hours.

Event:  Meeting with property owner and task force engineers.

Description: Task force engineers wanted to meet with elderly resident of Klokot/Kllokot to request permission to work on her property.

Observations: The property owner gave her permission for work to be done on her property, and expressed a great deal of thankfulness that US-KFOR was showing so much concern about not damaging anything, as well as  seeking her permission to work.


 CA interpreter working with elderly property owner.


NOTE FROM LETA – My dear friend, Dada, interpreting between US KFOR and a Serbian lady from Kllokot.  I met this lady when I was in Kllokot in December 2006 and had my photo taken with her.  She was very kind and very appreciative of the work that was planned for the sewer problem there.  I can’t help but notice in this photo that the Serbian lady isn’t wearing a coat – she probably doesn’t have one.  It does appear as if much of the snow has melted in the past 2 weeks.

Dada is a Serbian interpreter for KFOR that we all love and respect. 


Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 20 January 2006 0930 hours

Event: Klokot/Kllokot sewer project.

Description: CATA-2 was in Klokot/Kllokot with TF Falcon engineers to check on progress of sewer project.

Observations: Construction of the pipeline and cleanouts is nearly complete, however there are a few remaining issues that must be addressed. The TF Falcon engineer expressed some concern about the slope of the pipe, and wants to have the site resurveyed to establish the slope and ensure that water will drain properly. 353 CACOM commander coordinated with CATA-1 OIC to request the services of the German survey team from MNB-SW in the very near future. The situation was explained to the contractors of the “Vellezerit Ramadani” construction company, as well as the residents of Klokot/Kllokot. All present agreed that it was best to stop work for a few days and wait for the survey to be completed. The contractor and the residents of Klokot/Kllokot both expressed their desire to produce a pipeline that will work effectively.



  Looking from the first             Installation of cleanout.                 Elderly villager clearing out

  cleanout.                                                                                    refuse.

Note from Leta – A “snag” in the progress.  Better to get it right than to have to re-do it all!!!  The gentleman in the far right photo is one of the local villagers hired to assist with the manual labor.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot (EM 31 91)

Date/Time: 18 January 2006 1400 hours

Event:  Klokot/Kllokot sewer project

Description: Outgoing 353 CACOM commander visited worksite to assess progress of the work, and to say goodbye to villagers with whom he has formed relationships over the last several months.

Observations: Work on the project did not begin at the scheduled time today. The manager of the “Vellezerit Ramadani” construction company would not have his workers do anything without the presence of the task force engineers. LMT-4 was on the scene to provide US-KFOR presence in the village, and persuaded the contract workers to begin construction without the engineers being present. Representatives of the TF Falcon engineers were on site when CATA-2 and the outgoing 353 CACOM commander arrived on site. The outgoing 353 CACOM commander was approached by both the contractors and villagers with problems they were having with the project, and a compromise solution was found that seemed to satisfy all concerned. Work was proceeding when CATA-2 departed the area.

Note from Leta – The construction work FINALLY begins.  Hurray!!!



Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 17 January 2006 1000 hours

Event: Delivery of sewer pipe and beginning of sewer project.

Description: Sewer pipe was delivered, and contractor began digging for sewer project.

Observations: The Ramadani brother’s construction company was on site in Klokot/Kllokot prior to 1000 hours and were ready to begin working right away. The delivery truck from Gzimi Commerce was approximately 30 minutes late delivering the pipe, so work did not begin until approximately 1030 hours. Village members assisted the contractor in unloading the delivery truck, and the contractor began the process of clearing sludge and garbage out of the ditch, which runs through the middle of the village. At approximately 1200 hours work was stopped by several villagers who began to vocally protest that the drainage system would not work. There were initially two rabble rousers who were the primary instigators, and these men quickly convinced many of the others present that the 50cm pipe was not big enough to properly drain the village. Many present also began to protest that US-KFOR was taking away their “river”. Negotiations on this issue proceeded until approximately 1500 hours when a compromise solution was arrived at that seemed to satisfy all present. Work was resumed and continued until sundown.


      Clearing the ditch of sludge and refuse.                             View looking towards the school.

Location: Gnjilan/Gnjilane

Date/Time: 16 January 2006 1430 hours

Event: Meeting with director and manager of “Gzimi Commerce” company.

Description: Purpose of the meeting was to set a time for the delivery of sewer pipe to Klokot/Kllokot, and to establish contact between “Gzimi Commerce” and “Vellezerit Ramadani” companies.

Observations: The director of Gzimi Commerce, Mr. Rrustem Bajrami, and his brother (who manages the company) Mr. Azem Bajrami, both expressed a great deal of pride and excitement to have an opportunity to be working with US-KFOR. Both men stated emphatically that humanitarian projects of this nature are important for the people of Kosovo, regardless of their ethnic background.  

Note from Leta – VERY pleased with the enthusiasm of the new local contractor.  His bid for the entire project is about 700 Euro.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 14 January 2006 1130 hours

Event: Terrain Walk.

Description: CATA-2, CA commander, Mr. Sabit Ramadani and his work supervisor Mr. Liridon Ramadani inspected the site of the proposed sewer project.

Observations: The representatives of “Vellezerit Ramadani” examined the worksite and said that completing the project would be no problem.

Note from Leta – a new local contractor was selected per the above.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 13 January 2006 1450 hours

Event: Meeting with contractor Mr, Messini Hajrus.

Description: CA commander wanted to discuss finalization of plans to begin Klokot/Kllokot sewer project, and set an appointment to sign the project contract.

Observations: The meeting with Mr. Hajrus was not as productive as had been hoped for. At the original meeting, Mr. Hajrus bid 1,500 euro to complete the entire project. At today’s meeting he stated that he bid 1,500 euro to complete 100 meters of the project, and that to complete the full 188 meters of phase 1 was going to cost 2,000 euro. Mr. Hajrus did not state a specific monetary amount, but implied that to complete the 355 meters of phase II would entail a significant amount of money. CA commander, CATA-2 and interpreter all agreed that this inflation of the originally agreed upon price was unreasonable. Following the interpreter’s advice, CA commander determined that it was not worthwhile to further pursue a business relationship with Mr. Hajrus.

Note from Leta – The original local contractor was not used per the above.  It “seems” that he became more interested in the money than the actual project.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 27 December 2005

Event: Pipe Assessment 1000 hours

Description: Team accompanied TFF Falcon Engineer to the work site to survey flow of water.  TFF EG did not have proper equipment to survey the area, and the team will try again tomorrow.

The local contractor who was involved with the project was on hand to meet Engineers; he concluded that he would not be able to start work again until the ditch thawed.

Because of the situation team used this time to engage deputy village representative, who is also the youth representative.  Team talked at length with the youth representative and his family to get an understanding on community sentiment.  It was expressed by the youth representative that the villagers are still very supportive of the project and our presence and understand that the project has been stalled due to inclement weather.

Observations: Team also observed a St. Sava’s day celebration at the primary school.  Approximately 60 people where in the school yard as the children made readings, presentations, and sang songs.

Location: Klokot/Kllokot

Date/Time: 12 December 2005 1000 hours

Event: Meeting with TF Falcon Engineers and contractor concerning Klokot/Kllokot sewer project.

Description: CATA-2 was scheduled to meet with TF Falcon Engineers and local contractors to discuss plans and set timetable for beginning sewer project in Klokot/Kllokot.

Observations: TF Falcon Engineers were unable to attend meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. CA commander did meet with local contractor Mr. Messini Hajrus, and the Klokot/Kllokot community leader Mr. Trajon Ristic. Mr. Hajrus stated that he was willing to begin the project immediately, and that the only thing he requires are the materials. CA commander assured him that the materials will be delivered at the earliest possible opportunity to take advantage of the relative break in weather the area is currently experiencing. CA commander also informed Mr. Ristic that we currently have funds to help pay for community members to work on the project as a means of putting cash back into the community. CA commander stated that CATA-2 will provide the plans for the project drawn up by the TF Engineers, and that a contract for the project will be signed.

Note from Leta – Kllokot is a Serbian village.  Most of the people there are afraid to leave their village to work.  Unemployment there is devastating.  It was decided that 3 villagers would be selected each day of the construction and paid 20 Euros for their participation with the manual labor portion of the job.





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